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Pax Dei for Nuba means
“God’s Peace in Nuba”


To partner with the Anglican church of Sudan for equipping Christ-centered leaders.


  • Ongoing development of Christian leaders who are committed to the well-being of the Sudanese people.
  • An ongoing and mutually beneficial exchange of faith and work between Christians in the U.S. and those in Sudan.


The centrality of the Church: The Church is the tangible manifestation of God’s Kingdom on earth. We will work in partnership with the Anglican Province of Sudan, beginning with the Diocese of Kadugli in Sudan’s Nuba Mts.

Leadership development: We will place priority on the development of strong, Christ-centered leaders within the Church and the communities it serves.

Local empowerment and respect: We will partner with indigenous leaders. Our priorities will be guided by local cultural, spiritual, and economic conditions and will be designed and managed by the Churches in the Anglican Province of Sudan.

All tribes and people: We are committed to transcending ethnic cultural barriers.