Our Co-laborers: Sudan’s Kadugli Diocese
Introducing Sudan’s Kadugli Diocese and Bishop Andudu

Andudu Adam Elnail Kuku Koju has served as Anglican Bishop of Sudan’s Kadugli Diocese since 2002. His Diocese encompasses Sudan’s South Kordofan state and all of the Nuba Mountains.
Bishop Andudu has been a stalwart advocate for all of the people in the region, regardless of their tribal or religious affiliation. He is a recognized leader at the national and international level, and plays a strategic role in the fight against the decades-long genocide policies of President Omar Al-Bashir.

When peace failed in 2011, and because of his refusal to endorse the Presidency of Omar Al-Bashir, Andudu’s home and the Kadugli Diocese Headquarters were among the first places attacked, burned and destroyed by Government of Sudan forces. Fortunately, Andudu was in the U.S. for medical treatment and his family was in Uganda attending school. He was told by his staff in Sudan not to come home because al-Bashir had placed him on a “black list” of people to execute. Since that time Andudu has received legal asylum and citizenship in the U.S. He continues to travel to Sudan to encourage and strengthen the churches in the Nuba Mountains. He and his family worship at the Church of the Incarnation, an Anglican Church in Harrisonburg, VA.
God’s kingdom in the Nuba mountains has flourished under Bishop Andudu’s leadership. When he was elected as bishop in 2002, the Diocese had only 18 priests and 9 churches spread across the region. There are now over 120 priests and 100 churches there, many with hundreds of members. Under Andudu’s leadership, those churches continue to support schools and humanitarian relief in a region that has been largely shut off from the outside world.
Bishop Andudu serves as a moral and spiritual center for the people in the region. It is hard to find a place where he is not known and respected. Even the leadership of the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Army/North (SPLA-N) recognizes his importance. Since the 1990’s, that military group has protected the Nuba people from the attacks by the Government of Sudan. Andudu conducts workshops with SPLA leadership on “building the peace,” now that the bombing has stopped (as of April, 2019). He is concerned that the SPLA leadership be shaped by principles of Jesus’ Peaceable Kingdom, rather than by power, corruption, and the tribalism that have been the downfall of many an African nation. He is very much a modern-day Daniel – circulating among the top levels of political power and serving as an unflinching witness to the True King.