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Pastoral Care & Community Leadership

The Cost

Even during an ongoing civil war and persecution by the Government of Sudan, the Kadugli Diocese has seen significant growth – from only 18 priests and 9 churches in 2002 to 149 priests and over 100 churches and sub-parishes in 2020. Many of these have 300-500 (or more) active members. 

Much of this growth has occurred in regions that were Islamized by force under Sharia Law. Because of the winsome work by Christians in providing care, education, and support to everyone, regardless of their religion or ethnicity, many have left their traditional and Islamic faith and have turned to Jesus. 

This growth brings with it great challenges. Christian communities need to be taught on the ways of Jesus’ peaceable kingdom. They need to lay aside the animosity and discrimination based on gender and tribal affiliation and model a new way of living that points to the One True King who brings lasting peace and renewal.  This requires capable, mature leaders, both in the church, but also in the day-to-day business of life. Pax Dei for Nuba is committed to the supporting and developing strong leaders who are attuned to their culture and wise in the ways of Jesus.

A Plan for Renewal

Christian leaders from the Nuba Mountains, Summer 2020
Christian leaders from the Nuba Mountains, Summer 2020
  • Enable Bishop Andudu to travel to the Nuba Mountains twice per year in order to provide leadership and encouragement.
  • Provide stop-gap support for priests until the economy recovers to the point that their churches can fully support them.
  • Fund an annual leadership workshop
  • Provide educational grants to support college-level training for church and community leaders.