Educating Children
The Cost
Prior to the outbreak of civil war in 2011, the Kadugli Diocese built numerous schools that served children across the Nuba Mountains, regardless of their ethnic or religious background. These schools provided a critical means of equipping the next generation of leaders to build a thriving society and to promote peace and economic development. In the years from 2011 through 2019, most of these schools were attacked by Government of Sudan forces, and several were completely destroyed. In spite of this, many of these schools continue to operate, meeting under a tree or in temporary structures. Teachers often work without pay or adequate materials. Support is needed to rebuild these schools and to provide subsistence for teachers until the economy recovers to a point that teachers can be paid through local school fees paid by parents.
A Plan for Renewal
- Re-establish and revitalize the Grace Secondary School, which was completely destroyed by al-Bashir’s forces in 2012. This one of very few secondary schools in the Nuba Mountains, and many children travel several hours on foot to attend classes.
- Support college-trained teachers and support staff until the economy recovers to a point that adequate school fees can be collected from parents of students. This is likely a 20+ year commitment.